It's not good news...
0 pounds lost
But the good news is that I have also gained 0 pounds! :) (I have to put that positive spin on it)
Wednesday and Thursday of last week were awesome. I was eating well, walking, basically kicking ass.
Then I woke up feeling like crap on Friday. And Saturday. And get the picture. A cold complete with the chills and body aches. Ugh.
I'm still feeling pretty out of it--my head feels fuzzy. But tomorrow I am going to do my best to get back on track and get my year moving again.
I had a great session with my awesome therapist (Heather) today. My homework for the week is to meditate on Psalm 139:14
"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well".
When I read this, I have a caveat in my head: I am fearfully and wonderfully made and your works are wonderful, but not really until I am a size 10 again.
Heather has identified my belief that my value is somehow tied up in my weight as a false belief. She is dead right. She made me list out all the things that are wonderful about me. It ended up being a long list. :) I realized that many of my beautiful friends see me through eyes that could care less what size I am. It's a wonderful example.
So now I begin a journey of trying to see myself as God sees me--fearfully and wonderfully made, fully intended to be exactly who I am, exactly where I am at. Terribly difficult for me to get my head around and accept.
I am positive I am not the only one with that false belief. If you are in this with me, say a prayer for us both tonight. :)
Praying for you tonight. And congratulations on not gaining any weight this week...seriously!